Alaska Moose Hunt
We offer the ONLY 15-day Moose/Brown Bear Combo Hunt in our area! Allowing four more days to bag your trophy Brown Bear.
Comfortable base camps with generators, wood heat, showers, out-house, and freezers.
We utilize spike camps for hunting active Bulls & Bears.
Eight years in a row of favorable winters has helped trophy bull size & numbers.
A finite amount of Alaska Moose hunt permits restricts hunting pressure.
River hunting out of jet boats allows for smooth movement up and down the river and the ability to get back to those hard to reach area’s.
Floatplane into one of our six base camps.
Alaska non-resident hunting license and tags are available directly from Alaska Elite Outfitters or ADFG.
Moose Hunting References
Alaska Moose Hunting
Alaska Moose Hunt with Alaska Elite Outfitters is a fully guided top quality Moose Hunting experience. By taking a limited # of moose hunters into our vast area, we keep the Moose hunting quality high. Alaska Elite Outfitters efficiently use jet boats for hunting the Trophy Bull Moose in our area. Thus traveling from calling spot to calling spot is comfortable and practical. Cow calling, bull grunts, and brush thrashing are the primary methods of getting big bulls within gun & bow range.
Alaskan/Yukon Moose Hunting On Nushagak River
Generally, backwaters, small rivers, and meadows are where big trophy bulls hangout. Thereby our ability to travel on jet boats and Zodiacs makes it possible to access these big Alaskan Bulls. Including the use of “Spike Camps, Alaska Elite Outfitters provides you the best opportunities to hunt these giant bulls. Especially early morning and late evening is essential to be out hunting. However, we return to base camp mid-day to resupply and dry out for the next night’s hunt.
Alaska Moose Hunt
We moose hunt in early September (5th – 15th) during the pre-rut, when the bulls are very receptive to calling. We travel between call spots using a variety of calls and raking brush. Spot & Stalk methods are used in some circumstances when the terrain and brush are less dense. Understand these big bulls are not standing in the open like a photo in a magazine article. They’re here, and they’re big, but you have to work to get them. In conclusion, being patient is the most important thing; we can’t emphasize this enough.
Alaska Bull Moose Hunt; Two-mile corridor Permit Area
The trophy moose hunting in our particular area is unique in that it is a corridor permit hunt. There is a two-mile corridor along the upper Nushagak river, Mulchatna River. Their tributaries receive a limited number of non-resident bull moose permits each year to restrict the number of bulls taken from this area. Having said this, we have never exceeded that # of licenses, and they have always been available for our hunters.
Trophy Alaska Moose Hunt
The reason our Alaska trophy Moose Hunts has done so well, and the average size of the bulls is increasing in recent years, is that we have experienced eight mild winters in a row. Thus, allowing the old breeding bulls enough time to recoup after the breeding season. Mild winter has not only increased those 64″-74″ bulls harvested, but there are just more of them in our area! The mild winters help get the older bulls healthy again and make it much harder for wolves to get the Moose caught in the deep snow, which allows the overall population to grow.